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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

Donator Ranks / Benefits

Lord Hunterr

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~! Ranks and Benefits !~

So Grinderscape Community / Family, There was already a benefits page already made and uploaded, but this is more of a updated version. There isn't a proper thread yet anyway, this is the Donator Benefits.

PSA: Some of this was copied and pasted from one that already made. just made some changes. Veteran.pngLadderGoat and Contributor.pngJordan  already made. just made some changes.


bronze_donator.png Bronze Donator bronze_donator.png

This rank has no specific benefits. It just states your rank as a Donator and a financiel supporter of Grinderscape



donator%20icon.png Regular Donator donator%20icon.png


The ability to ::yell (infinite amount)
The Ability to use the ::dz command (Teleports you to the donator zone)

Infinite Crystal Bow ammunitions
Slayer task's amount reduction: 40%
Bone crusher charge's multiplier: x5
Higher chance of receiving Jad pet in exchange for firecape

Donator's rank icon
Ability to use the Gilded Altar
Enter GWD chambers without KC

Ability to use the KQ's boss shortcut
5 KC requirement for Tarn's, Ice Queen's and Kamil's lair
Use items on a Bank Booth to note/unnote them
Forum/Discord rank upon request



donator%20icon11.png Super Donator donator%20icon11.png

Same benefits as 
donator%20icon.png Regular Donator donator%20icon.png

::hp (Restores hitpoints/Prayer)
::spec (Restores Special Attack)



donator%20icon15.png Extreme Donator donator%20icon15.png


::bank (Opens bank whenever/wherever except wilderness)
Same benefits as 
donator%20icon11.png Super Donator donator%20icon11.png



legendary-donator.png Legendary Donator legendary-donator.png

Same benefits as  
donator%20icon15.png Extreme Donator donator%20icon15.png



platinum_donator.png Platinum Donator platinum_donator.png

! Coming Soon !
Same benefits as 
legendary-donator.png Legendary Donator legendary-donator.png

Before you can get to the donator zone, you must be sure you have at least an amount of $50 donated to the server, registered on your grinderscape account. Once you have this requirement, you can use the easy command "::dz" and it will teleport you right there outside the bank.

Edited by Boysandgirls
Adding psa giving credit.
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Just add that the bronze donators have the ability to ::yell, otherwise not bad!

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Bronze donaters can also request there rank on the discord FYI.

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  • 1 month later...

Then i ask myself, what's wrong with this?


Anyways i appreciate your support towards the server and the forums, just some more effort to make it look nice would've been in place in my opinion.

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