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We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.


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Everything posted by Jar

  1. Welcome to Jar's quick Slayer guide! Everybody does slayer! so lets begin by starting off where to get a task? Edgevillage has 2 slayer masters, Turael and Vannaka wich are both for lower levels! You will need 5 slayer points to obtain a Enchanted gem from any slayer master! Slayer is a great way to make bloodmoney for that juicy elite void ! if you finish a task from Turael you will recive abit more than 2,400 bloodmoney if you finish a task from Vannaka you will recive exactly than 10,890 bloodmoney You can teleport to your slayer task using a enchanted gem by clicking Activate there is also a higher level slayer master called Duradel if you finish a task from given by Duradel - you will recive exactly 31,944 bloodmoney, you can teleport to Duradel with slayer's enchantment slayer's enchantments are obtainable from monsters poison spiders in taverly dungeon (level 64) droprate 100%, 1/1 (use anti-poison potions) scorpions in al-kharid mining cavern (level 14) droprate 10%, 1/10 black bears in east Ardougne (level 19) Droprate 10%, 1/10 greater demons in karamja dungeon (level 96) droprate 10%, 1/10 (Slash boss teleport) THANK YOU FOR USING MY GUIDE good luck with you're Grinderscape Adventure ! ! ! - Jar
  2. Hello everybody! This is a guide for how to gamble on Grinderscape ! There are 2 types of gambling games! Flower Poker ( FP ) and First To 3 ( FT3 ) You will need dice or dice bag to play First To 3 ( FT3 ) And mithril seeds to play Flower Poker ( FP ) ! You can get mithril seeds and dices from gambler ( FOR FREE ) For teleporting to gambling zone type ::dice ( INSIDE THE GAME ) Flower Poker - Each player must plant 5 flowers in a row ! Example - Both sides have 2 oranges and the other flowers do not match ! ! ! - That means both players have 1 pair so its a Rematch! - If both players have 2 PAIRS = Rematch, - If both players have 3 OF A KIND = Rematch - If both players have FULL HOUSE = Rematch ETC..... If one of the players has a stronger hand = WINNER ! ! ! The picture below shows all of the hands from first to last - weakest to the strongest. White or Black Flowers = Replant ( Rematch ) First to 3 ( FT3 ) - Both players roll dice or dice bag 3-5 times Each player rolls ( ONE AT A TIME ) The first player to get 3 times higher roll % Wins! Example - Jar got - 32%, 72% and 45% 6l6l6 got - 16%, 33% and 12% That means Jar won 3 - 0 Good luck to everybody ! ! ! Gambling is 50 - 50 ! ! ! be careful not to lose everything ! ! !
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