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We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Hey all,

When I joined the server I noticed that many boss guides included gear that were far from obtainable for me. I procrastinated on many bosses untill I had the gear close to the guides. But what If you could actually kill these monsters with basic stats and budget gear? Follow me along as I try to find valid methods to take on the fiercest oponents! Reply with the monster you like me to take on, and I might try to get it done.


Mutant Tarn



  • Reticent changed the title to Poor mans bossing guides!

All the best with this mission, I applaud you big time for this.

As most bosses & other things in-game take good gear to kill things, that isn't always the case. I've done things that seem impossible, and made it possible by doing it a different way/lower budget gear. For example, I know this isn't RS3 related, but for an example I managed to kill Arraxi in low budget range gear (Red D'hide, fury etc etc) & I managed to do so on a different server.

I will be following this to keep updated on your progress, good luck mate!


Very nice to see that you are doing this! Will be helpful for players who are looking for challenges or want to save and boss on a budget. Good luck as well 👍

Edited by 𝓜𝓻1𝓐𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷

Very nice! Looking forward to your future endeavors.

This is so beneficial for the newcomers. Keep it up mate

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