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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Bug Fixes

- Scorpia entrance where it teleports you to Merodach lair has been fixed

- A bug causing Alch Hydra to not attack back has been fixed

- A bug causing Kree'arra to not attack back has been fixed

- A bug causing Galvek to not attack back has been fixed

- A bug causing the fletching master to not give you a skill task, has been fixed


- Galvek misspelled inside the teleport interface under previous teleports has been fixed


- Shot put room in the Warriors guild has an xp cap so players cannot farm a crazy amount of xp 

- A bug where it causes Merodach to retreat has been fixed

- An issue where the automatic voting message appears while making a new account has been fixed

- Ranging skill capes are free until Ranging Guild is up and running



- Merodach now drops Inquisitor gear and Galvek now drops Justiciar gear



- Temple Guardian ( tourny minigame shop has been moved closer )


- Weapons game and Battle Royale timer has been reduced to 5 minutes instead of 30 minutes


- All enchanted bolts formula is now 1:1 to OSRS including their special attack

- Ranging guild store has been updated 


- Membership bonds now cost 4,000 participation points to help control the donator commands 

- Ring of wealth and Ring of wealth (imbued) now supports Boss logs and Currency toggling




Donator community

All commands will have a 60 second cool down timer and will have some location restrictions. Donators will not be able to use these commands when in the wilderness, boss areas (including instances), and mini-games (with the exception of Pest Control).

donator%20icon11.png Topaz member donator%20icon11.png :  Topaz members have the ability to use ::spec ( restores your special attack to 100% )

donator%20icon15.png Amythyst member donator%20icon15.png : Amythyst members have the ability to use ::hp ( restores your hitpoints )

legendary_donator.png Golden member legendary_donator.png : Golden members have the ability to use ::bank ( opens up your bank interface )

platinum_donator.png Platinum member platinum_donator.png : Platinum members receive 10% xp increase on all skills 

titanium_member.png Titanium member titanium_member.png : Titanium members receive 15% xp increase on all skills

Diamondddd.png Diamond member Diamondddd.png : Diamond members receive 20% xp increase and 5% drop-rate increase

- Administrators+ are able to create a donator event where you can obtain bonus premium points or extra items if you donate a specific amount



Edited by Dkick

Thanks for the update Lou! great content again :)!

Thanks to the community and staff for helping make this easier with all the testing. Special thanks to Simsim for reporting a lot of bugs including the minigame bug.

Great update! Thnx to simsim🤭

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