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Hello and welcome to my first ever made guide.
Today I gonna show you how to start slayer and
A the best trick not every player know when that start


First, go to the grindscape teleports, and go to the slayer master who is in the green.
For me it was Turael



Find Turael, He is mostly in the house. If he is not he walks around.

Right klick on him and ask for a assignment and accept this one


Gongrats!! you got you first task!


The next thing every player need when they do a slayer task, is a enchanted gem.

Go back to a slayer master and klick right on him, and ask for a trade.

You see a lot of slayer items but you need the enchanted gem. Left top of all the items.



Right klick on the gem and you can use some different things:


Activate: You wil be teleport to you slayer task
Check: you can see how many kills you have left.
Partner: if you do a duo slayer task you can see here with who
Log: here you can watch you npc kill streaks.


I will help this topic up to date,

Thanks for watching this guide and I hope it helps you a lot ❤️


First upload : 5 march 10:14 amsterdam

Edited by gentstudent

Thanks for making this tutorial :)

Nice Guide :) 

Nice guide

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