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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Hello Grinders!


After playing for over 5 months as an ironman I have always wondered why there weren't more active ironmen. I've spoken with Btartaros and others about possible improvements to the gamemode. But I'd love to put my knowledge to good use by creating some guides. For this I would love to hear your input. So:

  • If you have any questions about the ironman mode 
  • If theres things you dislike about the ironman mode (Because not everything is as hard/annoying as it might seem)
  • If you have a request for a specific guide
  • If theres a skill you don't know/like to train as an ironman

Post it below! The better I know what people encounter making an ironman, the more usefull my guides can be.

I hope to hear from you, and specifically from people who usually don't reply on forums. 🤗



Reticent/ Pure Hcim

Hello, thank you for taking interest in the Ironman community! Technically this is not a “guide” per say so I’m going to move this thread to a different section, cheers.

1 minute ago, Hellmage said:

Hello, thank you for taking interest in the Ironman community! Technically this is not a “guide” per say so I’m going to move this thread to a different section, cheers.

Oops, couldn't find the right location ;) 

Hey there! I am also a fellow ironman and I'd love to see more of us running around Grinderscape. 

Also on that note the thing I dislike: 

-No Boss Contracts/Boss tasks from slayer. 

I feel like we should be able to do boss contracts too! I know there are some pretty amazing upgrades in the contract point shop that would lessen the experience a little as an ironman, but there'd also be a good reason to continue the endgame as an ironman once you have most of your gear and things sorted. And from what I've heard boss slayer tasks don't work.

 Besides that I love the ironman experience. I'm getting ready to start a ultimate ironman or maybe even a hardcore :D


Thank you for helping out the community.


You are very knowledgeable about the game mode, so I look forward to any information you put out :) 

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