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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Hello New Grinderscapers and welcome to this small but somewhat detailed guide to starting off in Grinderscape!

Introduction to Grinderscape.
Starting your Journey.
Useful information.

Introduction to Grinderscape.
 As you begin your journey through Grinderscape you'll start off with a interface outlining the rules of Grinderscape. these are important so be sure to take a look before hitting accept. Here is what they look like!


After Pressing accept and making an in-game avatar you'll be prompted about a small tutorial to around Grinderscape which you can either choose to accept or deny this tutorial.
Once this step is complete, you'll receive a starter box to help you begin your journey within Grinderscape!
This box can only be opened once per person (wont work on an alternate account).

Starting Your Journey.
A very good way to begin within Grinderscape is to head straight over to the Thieving stalls within the home area and Thieve till you hit 99. As you Thieve you'll receive an item related to the stall you are Thieving from and a varied amount of gold starting off from around 34k per successful click, going up to around 48k per successful click. along side thieving, every so often you'll be prompted with windows looking like this;

These Mini-game are worth completing as it will reward you with a pretty decent amount of extra GP whilst thieving.

Preparing for PvE.
Once reaching 99 Thieving, you would have built yourself up a pretty big amount of GP to buy yourself some decent gear with but before you spend that hard earn cash you'll need to level up you combat stats. head over to the Market place where you can find all the vendors for varies items/activities which is located north-east of the starting bank.


From hear you'll want to gear up for some training. These stores will provide you with a starting point for leveling every type of combat style (Melee, Mage, Range). There is a store for each combat style within this location. 

Once you reach a comfortable combat level of around 90+ with 60+ combat stats, begin training slayer alongside leveling your combat stats to 99.

These two slayer masters will be you starting point for slayer. Right click on them and ask for an assignment and they will give you a task which involves killing a certain amount of monsters. Killing monsters allows you to collect various gear that you'll need to keep improving your current set-up.  After completing your task, you will automatically be rewarded with slayer points and Blood money which can be used to buy higher tier gear or sold to other players for GP.

Be sure to pick up an Enchanted Gem from the slayer master before embarking on your quest as this gem will allow you to keep track on your task and teleport you directly to where your task is located. Take some food with you and bury any bones you see dropped along the way as this will level up your prayer skill for future en-devours within Grinderscape.

Useful Information:
Listed below are a couple of useful things and information that can help you with your time at Grinderscape;

-Feel free to talk and ask questions within the help clan chat by typing / at the start of your sentence.
-Voting for the server every 12 hours will reward you with 1 point per site voted for which you can use to purchase gold, blood money and other cosmetics within the in-game voting store located within the home bank.
-Joining the server discord is always a great thing as it allows you to communicate with the community without being in-game and keeps you informed of any updates within the server.

-A range of useful commands such as;

::staff (Shows a list of all current staff online in-game)
::discord (Takes you to the servers Discord Channel)
::prices (Opens up the Price guide on the wiki)
::yell (Allows you to yell to everyone within the server (Mainly use by Doners))
::empty (Empties everything within your current inventory)
::stuck (Teleports you home after 15 seconds (useful if you are stuck and cannot move))
::thread *number* (Opens up a thread on the forums which corresponds to said number)
::vote (Opens up the voting screen)
::redeemvote (Redeems your vote and adds points to your current voting points total)

Hope this guide has proven useful! 


Edited by Barry

Thanks for making this berry! This will get new players some start up help.

  • 1 year later...

This is helping me heavily! Thanks buddy, now I do have a goal set 😜 

  • 6 months later...

This topic was locked on 11/05/2020.

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