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We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Today I was doing muddy keys and a pure teleported to me. I tried to logout, but it wouldn’t let me. The next thing was getting tb’ed, so I figured there was no escape. Since he used Smite (vs a maxed main) I tried to spec him out, but got surprises it actually made me get a skull (why? I’m only defending myself).

As a former PK’er this made me question a lot about the mechanics of the wilderness. 
These mechanics give PK’ers a huge advantage, which isn’t fair in my opinion. They already have gear that’s designed to kill players, why make it even easier? 

A PVM’er is basicly a sitting duck, cause you can’t juke at stairs, caves, or snare logout trick. You can’t fight back, while not risking your +4’s. So what should you do? Run from 40 to 0 wildy? That isn’t an option.

From my point of view it should be atleast a fair fight, since all the tricks in the book are stripped away.

I would be glad to see the opinions from others on this topic.


In addition to your points, every time a player kills a wilderness boss it's also highlighted in the chat box which instantly puts a target on their back. I do understand the reasoning behind these decisions to have a real pk element in this server, but I don't think taking away so many options to escape while also calling out the position with every boss kill is balanced. Still, i'm pretty new so I may be completely wrong but these are just my two cents. 

It could be possible that the PKer who attacked you used a banana whip spec on you, and that will give you a skull. However, I agree that the wilderness needs revamping. I am not sure if the skulling of a player who retaliates was intended, but it should not be like that in my opinion if it was intentionally made like that.

The target system and items such as the banana whip are also big problems. I believe the banana whip item should not have the skulling spec anymore. New players who join the server and start bossing with a chunk of their banks on them are not told about the banana whip spec. I believe that the banana whip spec has been one of the sole reasons that cause new players to quit as well added with the target system that lets pkers teleport straight to players. A single player with a banana whip can teleport to a target, skull a player, teleblock and kill them. This leaves PvMers vulnerable and causes the wilderness to become less active. 

The wilderness is completely tailored to PKers and leaves PvMers at a huge disadvantage. This results from not being able to log out, having over-powered items  that allows them to skull players, tp to target, teleblock etc, the target-system and the chat box notifying the whole server about bosses being killed in the wilderness.

On the flip side, not being able to log out was implemented to avoid events such as ambushing due to the server only being 1 world. The chat box notifies the server to promote pking and pvming and to remind or notify new/existing players of the bosses that they can kill. In conclusion, I think the target system and the banana whip should be the emphasis of what needs to be reconsidered.

also level 30 down is multi combat for god knows why. 2 days ago i was fighting a 1v3 at level 10 lmao.

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience on your encounter. Some of these are bugs and some of these are intentional. 

- Multi-Combat below 30 wild (depends where you’re at, sometimes it gets bugged)

- Getting skulled while auto-retaliating (yes this is a bug but make sure you see or dont see a banana whip which does skull you)

- Wilderness boss announcement (this was intentional so new players could see rare drops from every bosses, but like many others I do not like this.)

- Unable to logout in the wilderness ( this was intentional as well but I couldn’t tell you the reason why haha, I believe you should be able to log out.) 


Thank you for sharing your questions, comments, and concerns with us! We’re always reading players suggestions for in-game so feel free to post some!

Since I haven't yet done any Pking on Grinderscape, I can't really put my two cents worth in, but I agree with you on what you have said.

It needs to be fair & equal, but if there is server messages stating that someone is in the wilderness, for whatever reason, then that's one of the things that draws attention to other Pkers.

I was unaware of this "Banana Whip" also, so lucky I read through this thread & seen that, one of the main things to keep an eye out whilst out there in the wildy.

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