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We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Hi there folks,


I have been thinking and planning of redoing the whole architecture of the Wilderness in order to make it real wilderness and risky as well as rewarding. I have made a perfect plan and here is what I have come up with. Please note that most of the values are subject to change, and if this update will be done and gets approved, it will be done all at once or else it is useless. We can add or remove more features, but this will be a game changing to the player's experience and to the economy.

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List of changes:

Cape of skulls - OSRS Wiki


* PJ System: Fixing PJing system so you cannot attack someone who is under combat.

* Moving lots of bosses/npcs and training areas into Wilderness:
Zulrah/Vorkath/Mutant Tarn/Untouchable/BKT will be moved into the Wilderness into different spots with each spot got different level. The main reason for this is those monsters drop great items and it must be challenging to slay them and get the rewards. The eco is perfect and it will be the perfect time to do the switch in a proper way. In addition, following fixes will also make it more efficient, keep reading.


* A few training areas are now considered The Wilderness especially for new starting ones so new players are excited to start PKing from the first start. They must learn it from the beginning.

  • Rock crabs: Level 15 Wilderness
  • Experiments: Level 15 Wilderness
  • Neitznot: Level 8 Wilderness
  • Hill Giants: Level 20 Wilderness
  • Ice Giants: Level 20 Wilderness
  • Skeleton Hellhound: Level 50 Wilderness
  • Mithril/Rune dragons: Level 30 Wilderness
  • Slayer Areas: Level 5 Wilderness
  • Corporeal Beast: Level 25 Wilderness in the combat zone only.

* Significantly improve the drop table for all monsters in the Wilderness: for example Zulrah/King Black Dragon/Tarn/Corp/Black Knight Titan/Vorkath will all have better and UNIQUE drops which are no found anywhere except from these drops in order to boost the Wilderness and killing them.


* Wilderness Timer System:

When you enter the Wilderness you are not allowed to Logout upon entering for the first 3 minutes. So after entering the Wilderness or any Wilderness zone you can logout if you are not in combat after 3 minutes. Relogging will reset the timer to 3 minutes so you must SPEND 3 minutes to be able to logout. In addition, teleporting outside the Wilderness will be quite different.

Teleblock timer will be nerfed to 1:30 minute for non magic protection and you will be immune to teleblock for 5 minutes after the spell is cast on you. Teleportation when in the Wilderness via spells will channel for 3 seconds before teleporting you, and if you were to be attacked it will reset the teleportation spell, so this can also mean you cannot teleport while in combat. However, you can use teletabs to teleport but now they have a cool down timer of 5 minutes between each usage ONLY when consumed in the Wilderness. You can use them infinitely outside the Wilderness same as regular teleporting spells.


* Wilderness safe timer:

When you leave the Wilderness you can still be attacked for 10 seconds after leaving, and the timer changes depending on Wilderness level.

  • Level 0-10: 10 seconds
  • Level 10-20: 15 seconds
  • Level 20-30: 20 seconds
  • Level 30+: 30 seconds


* Nerf food healing mechanics: so its either 1 tick slower (to be able to PKplayers) or we reduce the healing points of each food.

* Fishing certain fishes: Sharks/Manta/Angler fishes will only be fishable in the Wildernss to boost Pking and not even available in any store.

* Wilderness slayer tasks: Self explanatory.

* Improve Wilderness stalls: You will only get bonus reward when you thieve from the Wilderness stall, the Wilderness Thieving area can show how many players are there in quest tab, and they will reward 2x more money.

* Doors timer in Wilderness: Doors have 5 seconds stuck timer when opened/closed in the Wilderness. So if you open a door, you cannot close it only after 5 seconds.

* Teleporting: Instant teleport to the Wilderness prayer altar which offers to exchange noted bones and also show how many players are there via quest tab. It will be the best Prayer XP in game.

* Improve Wilderness Resource Area: even more by increasing XP gain, make it bigger and adding cool down timer when entering the area so you can only enter once every 10 minutes to prevent annoying Pkers.

* Most Wilderness area's/activities will show in PVP quest tab: How many players are there including instant teleport, however there will be 5 minutes cooldown timer when u use any of those quest tab teleports to the zones to prevent people from teleporting often and annoying players. This is just an incentive to allow players to quickly PK but not abuse it.

* Bounty target teleport: and assigning will have increased timer delay for usage.

* Box of Health: It will have a  cool down timer of 5 minutes.

* You can only teleport to Bronze/Regular member's zone once every 15 minutes.

* The Abyss will be considered Wilderness level 25, and all RC altars will also have wilderness level 10. No longer can use ::bank in any RC altar area.

* New Pk points tokens:

which are given to players upon slaying other players with the same anti boosting system we have, but in addition to that it will reward players more tokens if you have high kill count/low death or in a streak, as well if players have high death count (pvp) they will earn LESS blood money from all activities and also Pk points tokens. They can reset their kill/death count by speaking to NPC but they have to pay A LOT of money as sacrifice depending on their count. This is to prevent people from 1 iteminng in the wilderness and dying often. You better preserve your kc/death count.


* Players with low death count will have better drop rates in the Wilderness, and the opposite to players with high death rates. Death rates is only increased if u die in the Wilderness.

* After killing a player in the Wilderness (single zones only) you cannot be attacked for 30 seconds unless you attack any player which will break the timer.

* Items on death: You will no longer protect 3 items on death if you are carrying only 3 items or if you total wealth carried is below 50m. You will LOSE all your items on death except if you use protect one item. You are automatically red skulled if you are in Wilderness level 30+ or above. Red skull does not go away in any way as it has 30 minutes cool down timer.

* Multi PVP zone minigame: A minigame with a boss that rewards top damage dealers, scoreboard, and much more. Players who enter cannot leave for 60 seconds.

Death PNG

this will change grinderscape for the best- nice plan!

wow this will be something great to see and enjoy. 


Ummm, thats allot of changes. But theres 2 scenarios, wildy could die even more or be active more. I agree with like 70% of new things mentioned here but other things its just doesnt belongs in osrs based rsps. Things i didint like:

I cant see why zulrah and vorkath should be moved to wildy, those boses isint farm allot, only thing why players kill them zulrah - for elite clues maybe?? Because it has like 1/7 drop for them, and serp helm??, but you can get one free for achievs. Second one is vorkath, players only go to him for assembler, other unique drops that he has is dead content. Yeah you get superior bones, but its just extra, vorkath is already one of the hardest boss to kill (i rate him second for hardest bosses here first place goes to kq, third corp.) in grinderscape, because of his mechanics, and its not farmed allot. For tarn - i agree, tbow is great weapon, not a great but its litteraly BIS for allot of bosses and its sad to see how price crash on item like that, so i agree that tarn should be moved to wildy, to make it harder to get. New uniques on them? Mmm naah, i mentioned before why zulrah and vorkath should stay where they are.. better to put your and developers time to cox and tob, every1 would be hyped for it, but we are talking about wildy now, so those things should wait…

RC altars.. umm.. its already one of the slowest and click intensive skills to max, now imagine going for 250m xp on classic after new update.. I cant see why people should go for it, ir would be not fair for new people to go for max xp, because other did normal way and how rc should work. For wildernest perspective, why pker should go there? To pk 28 pure ess? Idk why it should be added to wildy remake, leave rc as it is..

another thing: loose all items and red skull if your deeper then 30 wild.. theres banana whip which already skulls people and can make nightmares for pvmer if this thing pass allot of people i think will be mad, because theres more pvmers then pkers and its not how wildy should work… if you are real pker just buy that whip and try spec guy with it… and about healing mechanics? Whaat? If pker can literaly combo your all 99hp but you cant even eat, because it would take 1 tick later to eat or food heals less in wildy, is just nonsense for me. Combo eating its part for pvp and it should be not changed.

fishing sharks only in wildy? Thats not how osrs works, yes maybe move anglers, mantas to wildy only and big sharks, but leave sharks where they belong…

K/D ratio for boosting drop rates - absolutely no, if player is ironman, or just play solo and other pkers just farming on naked people who cant defend their self, so pkers would be literally abusing this thing to have better drop rates and clans would lockout some bosses to farm them. Server will be like DMM in osrs where everything will be locked out from doing and abused from clans. This thing its just not right and should be not added.

All other things looks fine, only those things are OP and could make allot of people MAD, and not fair.. already wildy isint on pvmers side and it could make it much more worse than it already is. Glad to see some changes keep it guys!

Edited by w211

Phenomenal changes, I like them alot. Great work Lou cant wait.

this is a good step in the right direction, grinderscape needs changes and that looks like a very good, challenging and above all unique change to me, very, very well thought out and a lot of time and passion put into this idea, I am 100% with this one update satisfied very good work and keep it up Lou, thanks!

In all honesty, this completely kills the chance of someone ever continueing on a hardcore or creating one.


I like the update but when players are making a hardcore ironman they will be killed for sure when they want to train on rockcrabs or whatever also with runecrafting.. i agree with the bosses but training area's ( and skilling ) just not don't get me wrong i don't mind it but new players will i think  anyways good work mate make grinderscape great again ❤️

Edited by Dreamzz

On 7/4/2021 at 2:15 PM, Dreamzz said:

I like the update but when players are making a hardcore ironman they will be killed for sure when they want to train on rockcrabs or whatever also with runecrafting.. i agree with the bosses but training area's ( and skilling ) just not don't get me wrong i don't mind it but new players will i think  anyways good work mate make grinderscape great again ❤️

Indeed, we have to make some optimizations to the HCIM. I think what we could do is the following changes:

  • Hardcore rank will be LOST if you died in the Wilderness above level 20 to a PvP/PvM (Most zones are below 20 and its obvious above 20 is a real risk)
  • Hardcore rank will NOT be lost if you die to a player (PvP) below level 20 Wilderness. However, if you die to a PvM you will LOSE the rank.

This way it will be perfect and fair.


Changes will be done for the Runecrafting:

  • Only Wrath - Soul - Blood altars will be in the Wilderness, while rest are totally safe. This is to impose risk on the great benefits of the skill. Similar to Wilderness agility course which offers the best experience in game. 

I love pking and this update is beautiful <3

On 7/5/2021 at 1:28 AM, Lou Grinder said:

Changes will be done for the Runecrafting:

  • Only Wrath - Soul - Blood altars will be in the Wilderness, while rest are totally safe. This is to impose risk on the great benefits of the skill. Similar to Wilderness agility course which offers the best experience in game. 

So it will be more slow that it is right now, so maybe XP tomes will be added to slayer shop for RC, like Agility has? Because tomes are best xp in the game for agility, not wilderness, XP rates are kinda similar to agility, so RC tomes could help to be equal for both skills?

Edited by w211

On 7/5/2021 at 12:25 AM, Lou Grinder said:

Indeed, we have to make some optimizations to the HCIM. I think what we could do is the following changes:

  • Hardcore rank will be LOST if you died in the Wilderness above level 20 to a PvP/PvM (Most zones are below 20 and its obvious above 20 is a real risk)
  • Hardcore rank will NOT be lost if you die to a player (PvP) below level 20 Wilderness. However, if you die to a PvM you will LOSE the rank.

This way it will be perfect and fair.


yeah thats fair enough also the rc is fair :) totally agreed with this update now mate keep up the good work :) !!

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