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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Bugs and Fixes:

- Performing an action (like chopping a tree or fishing) and then using the ::stuck command will not cancel your actions. So, you can click to fish anglers in the resource arena, then use the ::stuck command and be teleported to edge, and you will continue fishing anglers until your inventory is full.?

- Jad boss contract duration extended to 5 minutes.

- When on the resizeable mode you had a small black screen while killing giant mole bug is now fixed.

- A wrong equipment slot for the black skirt (g).

- Dragon full helm now no longer can be equipped without stats requirements.

- Fixed blowpipe consuming ammo while its charged.

- Food puzzle exploits fixed.

- Cerberus should now spawn properly.

- Zulrah & snakelings bug fixed.

- Fixed trees despawning bug which should also fix an issue with a task cannot be completed.

- Ghrazi rapier accuracy boosted by 20%.

- Fixed a bug where some hits from bosses wouldn't show.

- Fixed missing bank booths not appearing issue.

- An issue with morrigan's chaps visual problem fixed.


- Banshee mask equips properly.

- Combat box has been slightly redone to be more accurate to RuneLite's combat box.


- Drop down menus no longer remain open after closing their respective interface.

- Typo (its to it's) in "You are unable to attack the NPC while it's retreating!" message.

- Adjusted base (before the multiplier) combat XP gained formulas to be accurate to OSRS (4 XP per damage was done in a respective skill, along with 1.33 HP XP),
the multiplier has been adjusted accordingly to keep combat XP rates the same as they were before.

- A refresh button has been added to the help desk and donator tabs in the quest tab.


- "Yell Channel" in yell channel messages is now yellow, and the color of the player's message corresponds to the color of their forum rank color.


- Fixed a bug where some hits wouldn't show up when being attacked by bosses.

- The distance between the player and enemy NPC has been corrected while using throwable knives or ranged equipment.

- KQ boss entrance fixed.

- Casting tele block on a player now skulls you. It didn't skull before.

- Mask item fixes (Cow mask, Imp mask, Goblin mask..etc)

- Fixed disarm dupe caused by Chaos elemental boss.

- Fixed a typo issue for bosses defeated.

- You can no longer use stuck command while frozen or teleblocked.

- Fixed a major bug causing all weapon specials to not work properly.

- Revenant's drop rates have been slightly nerfed.

- Drops, in general, has been lowered by a very low percentage.

- The killer's store has been removed from the shop's area.

- Whip's price in voting store raised to 25 points instead of 10.

- 5,000 blood money price raised to 5 voting points instead of 2.

- Removed Greater skeleton hellhound announcements.



- Clan chat setup interface hovers has been added.

- Magic interface added.


- Obelisk Animation & GFX.


- Shops changes: ss-2018-11-19-at-01-42-31.png
* Scythe added in the voting store for 40 points.
* Avernic defender hilt added in warriors guild exchange for 3,000 tokens.
* Inverted Santa's hat added in premium store for 15,000 points.
* Vesta's spear added in premium store for 12,000 points.
* Dragon boots (g) added in premium store for 4,500 points.
* Dragon ornament kits have been added in voting store.
* 2 new unique items available in the donator zone shop.
* Black party hat added in premium store for 10,000 points.
* Aqua party hat added in participation points shop for 2,500 points.
* Reduced the price of donator's bond from 7,500 points to 3,000.
* Gum partyhat added in skilling store for 3,000 points.
* Orange party hat reward added in the mystery box.
* Pimpz whip added in voting store for 35 points. It is account bound and not tradeable item.
* The prices of Serpentine, Magma, and Tanzanite helmets prices increased to 900,000 Blood money.
* 3 New masks in agility ticket exchange for 250 points each.

- New item drops:
* Justiciar set is now dropped by Chaos Elemental.
* Vesta's set is now dropped by Callisto.
* Morrigan's set is now dropped by Scorpia.
* Statius set is now dropped by Venenatis.
* Zuriel's set is now dropped by Crazy Archeologist and Chaos Fanatic.
* Infernal cape is now dropped by Black Knight Titan.
* Dragon whip is now dropped by King Black Dragon (Dragon's tail + Abyssal whip must be attached).
* Indigo whip is now dropped by Ice Queen.
* Banana whip is now dropped by Monkey Gorilla in Ape Atoll.
* Rose whip is now dropped by The Untouchable.
* White whip is now dropped by Kamil.
* Forest whip is now dropped by Jungle Demon.
* Gold whip is now dropped Kalphite Queen.
* Unknown whip is now dropped by Slash Bash.
* Lava blade is now dropped Corporeal Beast.

- Added system for daily login rewards: 
* Making many accounts and logging them all will not give you multiple rewards. It is based on many secret calculations.
* Your account must be 3 days old to start receiving daily login rewards.
* Rewards will have a streak in the few upcoming updates which will give even higher rewards.
* The current reward is 5M GP coins, 3k Blood money, and a mystery box.



- ::staff command now opens an interface displaying all online staff in the order of their rank, a button in the help desk tab of the quest tab has been added that opens the interface as well.


- Notifications news button flashing is now a smooth glow.

- Added messages line splitting for long messages in client chatbox.


- Exp drops customization added:
* XP drops are now received even when your XP is locked.
* Fixed a bug that was causing XP drops to not display for a few seconds after login.
* Buttons are now in sync -XP lock button now displays "Unlock" or "Lock" depending on its setting before it was "Toggle".


- Dragon whip and special attack effect: ss-2018-11-19-at-01-43-25.png
* +17 extra strength bonus compared to average whip.
* Can be made using dragon's tail & abyssal whip.
* 9% more accurate than average whip on normal hits.
* It blows a dragon fire breath similar to the ones in enchanted dragon bolts.
* The weapon has a max of 58 against NPC's and 48 against other players in PVP.
* The damage doesn't calculate your strength bonus/attack level or accuracy.
* The damage is solely random with Dragonfire type.
* The damage can only be reduced with protecting magic, potions, or shield.
* When you use your special attack, there will be no damage as the hit damage will be saved to the next attack to have an advantage of two hits. Your opponent will see no hit damage on the special attack to give him/her enough eat up to be safe.
* The whip's drain rate is 100% to prevent using the delayed hit with something else such as Granite maul or AGS.


- Indigo whip and special attack effect: c1dd655947.png
* +17 extra strength bonus compared to average whip.
* 5% more accurate than average whip on normal hits.
* An accurate special attack will freeze your opponent for 6 seconds.
* 25% bonus accuracy and 18% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 100%.

- Banana whip and special attack effect: fa957af37f.png
* Similar stats to average whip.
* 3% more accurate than average whip on normal hits, 5% extra damage on normal hits.
* An accurate special attack will skull your opponent for 3 minutes.
* 30% bonus accuracy and 20% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 100%.
* Secret special attack bonus effect upon carrying bananas in your inventory. Examine for more.

- Pimpz whip and special attack effect: 13d7f0d534.png
* One of the best weapons to train strength in-game as all the attack styles only train your strength.
* +15 extra strength bonus compared to average whip.
* 7% more accurate than average whip on normal hits.
* Similiar special attack to normal whip.
* 14% bonus accuracy and 25% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 50%.

- Forest whip and special attack effect: d59fd7066d.png
* Similar stats to average whip.
* 5% more accurate than average whip on normal hits.
* An accurate special attack will disarm your opponent's weapon.
* 40% bonus accuracy and 25% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 100%.

- White whip and special attack effect: 6f198a4ec2.png
* +13 extra strength bonus compared to average whip.
* 11% more accurate than average whip on normal hits.
* An accurate special attack will teleblock opponent for 3 minutes if the opponent doesn't have magic protect ON, otherwise its just 15 seconds.
* 20% bonus accuracy and 15% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 100%.

- Gold whip and special attack effect: 037749c70a.png
* +18 extra strength bonus compared to average whip.
* The special attack will ignore the defense bonus and stats against the opponent.
* 33% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 50%.


- Rose whip and special attack effect: cea9409c27.png
* Similar stats to average whip.
* An accurate special attack will disable the opponent ability to use protect one item prayer for 3 minutes.
* 5% bonus accuracy and 5% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 100%.

- Unknown whip and special attack effect: c532b48e0f.png
* +17 extra strength bonus compared to average whip.
* 2% more accurate than average whip on normal hits.
* An accurate special attack will reduce your opponent attack and defense stats by 35%. 
* 50% bonus accuracy and 30% bonus damage on special attack.
* The whip's drain rate is 100%.

- Lava blade weapon: c35875ce9a.png
* No special attack.
* Average hits are accuracy is reduced by 15%.
* Effect on PVP: If no ring of recoil is equipped the lava blade will recoil 5 damage on every successful hit by your opponent. However,
the weapon will overheat and vanish after 125 successful recoils.
* +19 extra strength bonus compared to dragon scimitar.
* All hits deal 10% extra damage.
* It is considered to be one of the strongest scimitars in-game.



Sweet update :1_grinning:

Thats alot of whips tho. :P 


Edited by blake xoxo

Thanks for the update lou. Once again you are outdoing yourself. We all appreciate the hard work that you're doing. 

This version of xp drops customization is a slightly earlier version, next update will include the latest version which has a few changes, for example position setting will move the counter:


Wauw huge update! Awesome job guys :)

Alot of new items to collect.

Keep up the great work!

wew Awesome update guys i now must get all whips

Keep up the goodwork :)

Awesome update, great job guys.

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