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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.


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Everything posted by Hellmage

  1. Hello everyone, I am here today to give a big thanks to @fibra fabri! He has helped me out a lot with the progression with our Wiki page. I want to award him for taking his own time out and helping the community of Grinderscape! The Wiki Team works hard to make sure our page has all the information the community needs to help further their progression!
  2. I guess it wouldn’t be a bad video to see what you could possibly get, but there is also a guide of all the possible loot you can get from each Mystery Box.
  3. Not bad for starter guide! I can possible help edit the guide little more to make it better!(:
  4. I like this brother! A lot of good content in this update!(: Keep it up!
  5. *** Golden Rule - Use Common Sense! *** Note: If you want staff to take action for any offense you see a player commit. You must collect evidence of the rule being broken for staff to take action. This can be with pictures (Gyazo, light shot) or with a video. Please do not spam staff if you don't have proof of an offense. Note: All punishments listed for rules are only guidelines and punishments will vary depending on the severity of the situation. Note: Player are allowed to make their own Clan Channel but most rules still apply. If a Clan Channel have 3 or more major reports then they are subject for deletion and the Clan Owner may be subject for In-game punishment. Note: Please remember that all rules apply for the Help Clan Channel. Clan Chat Related Offenses Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment. Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent mute depending on the situation. Other Languages GrinderScape prohibits players from speaking any other language than English inside the Clan Channel. Punishment: Warn - 2nd Warn - Temporary mute - Temporary IP mute Advertising Other Private Servers (RSPS) GrinderScape prohibits players from advertising any other Runescape Private Servers (RSPS). This includes In-Game invites, Discord invites, Private Message invites. A warning will only be given out if we determine it is an unintentional discussion. Punishment: Warn - Host ban - Super ban Excessive Profanity GrinderScape prohibits players from using Excessive Profanity. Excessive Profanity is a chat related offense that uses obscene curse words directed at players to make them feel inferior . Players are allowed to casually swear but excessive profanity is not allowed. Punishment: Warn - Temporary mute - Temporary IP mute - Permanent IP mute Disrespecting In-Game Staff / Forum Staff / OMM GrinderScape prohibits players from Disrespecting any Staff Member(s) and or Official middlemen (OMM). Disrespecting is classified as showing lack of respect for a certain action taken. This includes any punishment(s) a Staff Member or Middleman may take against your account. Punishment: Warn - Temporary mute - Temporary ban - Temporary IP ban - Permanent IP ban Arguing & Flaming GrinderScape prohibits players from Arguing or Flaming inside the Clan Channel. This includes Boss deaths, Player death, or any other heater conversation between another player. Punishment: Warn - Temporary jail - Temporary mute - Temporary IP mute - Temporary ban Luring GrinderScape prohibits players from Luring. Luring is classified as attempting to bring someone somewhere by offering some form of reward or false information. This includes Clan chat, Yell, Private message, and General chat. Punishment: Warn - Temporary jail - Temporary IP mute - Temporary IP ban False Information GrinderScape prohibits players from giving out false information. This includes prices, rules, and any other information that hinders a player game-play. Punishment: Warn - Temporary jail - Temporary mute - Temporary ban - Temporary IP ban ` Note: Most In-game rules correspond with Clan Chat rules. Read the In-game rules to fully understand what we allow, what we don't allow, as well as the consequence(s) you could face. In-game rules can be found here.
  6. Imma throw out some constructive criticism, not saying it was bad but for you to understand what you can do next time for a different boss! Good: - You shown how to get to the boss “Mutan Tarn”. - You shown recommended gear and non recommended gear. - You shown the recommended inventory and prayer and also prayer locking which I liked! - Added decent music with the video which is always good. - You shown the killcount that you need for a regular player and for donators. Bad: - Grammar; make sure you double check your grammar and spelling before posting the video/ guide. - The last 2:30 of the video was just a blank screen, which was very annoying to be honest. - You should’ve right clicked on the NPC and show the drop table instead of killing it a few times. Overall brother it’s not bad just for future reference try to considering these thing! Hope to see more videos !(:
  7. Nice guide , gonna help everyone out! Hopefully this event is still around when I log in next! Haha
  8. It’s crazy how long GS has been around and they’re still finding new ways to make the game more enjoyable for the community! Great work Dev team!
  9. [[Template core/front/statuses/statusContainer is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  10. Nice detailed and clean guide, keep it up guys!
  11. @Lou Grinder you never disappoint us! Thanks for the updates! We all appreciate them!
  12. love all the updates! Good job brother @Lou Grinder
  13. Nice thread lol this couple possibly help/ interest players more into donation and see parts of the server no regular players can see! And yes the gilded alter grants more exp!
  14. Good stuff brother! Did such an amazing job and I can't wait to see how far GS goes!
  15. Not bad for new players brother. Maybe next time you could add the cost of each ingredient and how many exp you get, ect! Other than that great job!
  16. Damn brother really in depth with this guide and I love it! Keep up the good work!
  17. Simple and easy to understand! I bet there are some players who are thanking you aswell! Good job legends!
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