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Hello, everyone! Welcome to my very first guide for GrinderScape!
Let's get started!

1. Gnome Agility Course:

In order to begin training Agility, you must first teleport to Gnome Agility Course.
You can teleport there by opening your spellbook, selecting Skilling Teleports, scroll down and select Gnome Course.


Here is the layout of the course:


Here is the Experience table and Number of Laps for each target level:


Note: Do not just repeat the Obstacle Pipe. You will not get the same 24k experience. 24k experience is rewarded for completing the lap.

2. Barbarian Agility Course (Level 35):
Note: When using the Ropeswing, stand 1 tile to the left or right of the tile in front of it.

Click on your spellbook and select Skilling Teleports, scroll down and select Barbarian Course.


Here is the layout of the course:


Here is the Experience table and Number of Laps for each target level:

Note: Just like with the Gnome Agility Course experience table, repeating only the Crumbling Walls will not always result in 34k + experience.
The 34k experience is rewarded for completing the lap.

3. Wilderness Agility Course (Level 52):

In order to get to this course, first you must teleport to Mage Bank by using the command ::mb.
Next, pull the lever and you will find yourself within the Wilderness.

Note: You will end up in an area where you may be pked! Don't bring anything you don't want to lose!
Next, leave the room you enter and travel West.
Be sure to bring some food or have a high level because you will be running past level 27 Giant Bats and level 25 Skeletons.

Note: In order to leave the Wilderness, you must go back to the lever and into the Mage Bank or allow a creature to kill you.
Note: These creatures will still attack you regardless of Combat Level.

Here is the layout of the course (sorry this one will be hard to see):
Note: The Ropeswing here works the exact same way as in the Barbarian Agility Course.


Here is the Experience table and Number of Laps until 99:
Note: These number vary because it is possible to get a "lap completion" by going through any of the obstacles.
Note: It is also possible to gain multiple "lap completions" in a single lap.
Note: Skipping the Stepping Stones most likely results in faster experience gained due to how long this obstacle takes to complete. (Thank you to Free HIV and Wrath for reminding me.)


Note: You can purchase Agility Tomes from the Premium Points Store on the West side of Edgeville bank.
These cost 10k Premium Points each and grant 10m Agility experience.
Note: The Agility Master Cape does not give any bonus experience when equipped or in your inventory. (Thank you to Free HIV for pointing this out.)
Note: It is wise to bring a few Energy/Super Energy potions to restore your Stamina.

And there you have it!
I sincerely hope y'all find my guide useful, informative, and enjoyable!
If anyone has any questions, comments, and or concerns regarding my guide, please feel free to either private message me here on forums, in game, or on Discord.
Thank you!

Edited by Lomax

Very nice guide. Well structured and detailed. Thank you for creating this!

Super helpful for new players as many think rope swing doesn’t work at all! Awesome guide, glad to have you here!

Agility bonus gives more exp also for every mode, also to wild agility course need not food, nothing risking at all. Highly recommend super energy potions for that. Other then that, great guide well done ;) 


5 hours ago, Barry said:

Very nice guide. Well structured and detailed. Thank you for creating this!

Thank you for your feedback!

4 hours ago, amino xt said:

Super helpful for new players as many think rope swing doesn’t work at all! Awesome guide, glad to have you here!

Thank you for your feedback!

4 hours ago, Legends said:

Agility bonus gives more exp also for every mode, also to wild agility course need not food, nothing risking at all. Highly recommend super energy potions for that. Other then that, great guide well done ;) 


I will be sure to implement those later and thank you for your feedback!

Edited by Lomax

Very nice guide! i hope to see more of you 😋

Nice guide man keep up the good work, I like that you included each game mode, important details 👍


skipping the lava stepping stones will probably get u faster exp

Edited by Wrath

12 hours ago, Cem said:

Very nice guide! i hope to see more of you 😋

There will be plenty more guides to come in the near future! Thank you for your feedback!

11 hours ago, Blurite said:

Nice guide man keep up the good work, I like that you included each game mode, important details 👍

Thank you! Every skilling guide that I make in the future will also involve each game mode.

9 hours ago, Wrath said:

skipping the lava stepping stones will probably get u faster exp

Thank you for reminding me. Free HIV in game also reminded me about this last night.

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