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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.


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Icarly65 last won the day on November 3 2018

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  1. Hey man! Long time no see or chat! It's Crotchzapper/Lezilla, whichever one you prefer. ;)

    Anyway, hope all is going well man and for the server! Wish it had more people on the fourms like back in the day, I miss that a lot, but anyway, keep it real my dude and talk to ya on the flip! 

  2. Fantastic update here. A lot of bugs have been fixed, and a lot of new content has been added. Well done
  3. Looks great man, definitely excited for the clan chat system too
  4. Icarly65

    Love all the work that was put into this. Thanks to everyone who helped out with testing. I would also like to thank you all for everyone who has stayed on this server, and continued to believe. This server will get to the top again, and this progress is just proving that
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