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TzTok - Jad is the mighty final boss of the minigame Fight Caves!
It is required for you to kill TzTok - Jad to be able to wear the Fire cape and Infernal cape!
TzTok - Jad 
is a big with a difficulty level of medium. Combat level is 702 and TzTok - Jad has 1500 hitpoints, this boss can pretty much one-hit you, since it has a max hit of 97.
Here is how TzTok - Jad looks like in-game.

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The most effective way to kill TzTok - Jad would be to use Range. You can use Mage / Melee, but personally I don't recommend it and I will discuss the Range method.
Once you teleport in to the Fight Cave area, enter the cave, and follow to the middle of the cave where TzTok - Jad is located.
TzTok - Jad has 2 attack style's, you need to worry about only 2 which are Mage / Range
You will need to prepare to switch protection prayers between Range / Mage, you will know when to do it according to the animations TzTok - Jad makes.

Magic Attack Animation
TzTok - Jad will stand on his 2 back feet and fire a huge fireball at you.
You will need to turn on protection from magic before it hits you to block the damage.

Range Attack Animation
TzTok - Jad will put his 2 front legs up and smash the ground which will cause a rock from the ceiling to fall on you.
You will need to turn protection from missiles in this case until the rocks hit you to block the damage.
You can see the stomp effect on this screenshot.


In the Grinderscape version of TzTok - Jad there is only 1 wave the boss itself and it does not have the healer phase, aswell the boss does not have a melee attack.
So basically you need to watch out for the animations and range till you kill the boss. Also look at you'r prayer points so you don't run out.



For the requirements you will need:
Stat wise:
40 prayer, 70 range ( Optional )
Gear wise: Basic range gear will do
Item wise: Prayer / Restore potions but a few food as a fail safe would be good



I will be deviding equipment into 3 different categories: Cheap Medium Expensive


Armour set: Archer helm, black d'hide top / legs, Black d'hide vambraces.
Boots: Climbing boots.
Cape: Ava's attractor
Necklace: Amulet of accuracy.
Ring: Ring of recoil.
Weapon: Magic shortbow.
Off hand | Shield: Nothing.



Armour set: Armadyl helmet, Armadyl chestplate / chainskirt, Void gloves.
Boots: Ranger boots.
Cape: Ava's accumulator.
Necklace: Amulet of madness.
Ring: Archer ring.
Weapon: Dragon hunter crossbow.
Off hand | Shield: Dragonfire shield.



Armour set: Range void helm, Elite void top / bottom, Void gloves.
Boots: Pegasian boots.
Cape: Infernal cape | Ava's assembler.
Necklace: Amulet of eternal glory.
Ring: Archer's ring (i).
Weapon: Twisted bow.
Off hand | Shield: Nothing.



Pretty simple inventory setup
Prayer / Restore potins, food / saradomin brews, Range potions ( Optional )



TzTok - Jad is located in the minigame teleport -> Fight Cave
Once you teleport there enter the cave right infront of you.





The only 2 prayers you need for TzTok - Jad is protec from magic and missiles ( Level 40 )




For the drop - table TzTok - Jad does not have a proper one, if you kill him you will get a Fire Cape and some tokkul.
You have a chance to recieve the TzTok - Jad pet while gambling the Fire Cape that you get from killing the boss.



If I missed anything let me know, I will edit the guide.
If you have any question's ask em below or In-Game ( IGN: Mike V2 | Mikey )

Huge thank you to:
@Valar for the gfx work.
@Lisa for the information.
@Melisha for the suggestion on this boss.

Until next time,
~Regards Michael

Edited by Mikey

Man... this guide is dope ! @Mikey  

Simple & clear, i love it

Another very well done and organized guide ! Much thanks to @Mikey and @Valar for the great work. Im looking forward to seeing more.

Nice guide yet again Mikey :) !

Nice guide dude :) very helpful:)

Keep up the good work:D



This is amazing! Super helpful for new players/players who want to equip fire/infernal cape who may not realize that the Jad boss is a little different here in Grinderscape! 

Again the effort put into this is incredible! & Thank you for the credit for making the suggestion, you did some awesome work! 

Hope to see some more guides like this soon!


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