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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Bugs and Fixes:

- A bug that caused attributable items to multiply and dupe.

- Massive fixes with attributable items and item container system.

- Fixed deposit bank functions for fixed amounts (bank 5, 10..etc)

- Updated Fishing & Consumables store.

- Removed Angler fishes to be bought by Blood money.

- Store prices updates for common items.

- Fixed hunter traps not disappearing.

- Fixed a few clue scrolls that were reported by players.

- Fixed KQ bug in the second form including wrong stats and hitpoints.

- Tweaked and updated Vorkath's methods that fixes a safespot.

- Fixed a bug causing Commander Zilyana to stop attacking in some cases.

- Fixed wealth clue bug causing it to delete all the scrolls instead of just one.

- Fixed tons of wrong NPC examines.

- Fixed the proper animation when depositing items into deposit bank box.

- Minor game typos fixes.

- Combat XP rates increased by over 130%!



- Edgeville map final touches and tweaks. (Added fishing support).

- Fishing guild music support added.

- Added proper Viggora's chainmace emotes and sounds.


- Web cutting support added 100% identical to OSRS based on each weapon type.

- Added banker and combat instructor store in all beginner training areas.

- Added 2 new Fishing teleports and updated Slayer teleports captions.



- Added full goblin village spawns identical to OSRS.

- Fishing icon.png Fishing skill redone with lots of additions:

  • Fishing support for all types of fishes 100% (Eels, Angler, Crabs, Frog Spawn..etc)


  • Proper fishing spawns 1:1 OSRS all over the map for the following locations:

Lumbridge / Catherby / Karamja / Draynor / Al Kharid / West Kharid / Entrana / Seers / Port Sarim / Ardougne


Fishing Guild / Tirannwn / Castle Wars / Shilo Village / Taverly / Tai Wai Bannai / Ape Atoll / Zul Andra / Harpie Bug Swarm

Lumbridge Swamp Caves / Brimhaven / Wilderness Resource Area / Wilderness Fishing spots!

  • Barehands fishing & Barbarian Fishing support.
  • Aerial Fishing base support added.
  • New: Big Shark fishing from Shark fishing spot which heals 23 (Best food in game) (low chance)ss-2020-07-28-at-10-12-33
  • Angler gear fishing XP multiplier.
  • Pet support added for Heron.
  • Fishing skill tasks supported.
  • Cutting Infernal eels for Zulrah scales support.
  • Lumbridge swamp caves fully supported with Slayer NPC's.
  • Proper and accurate formulas for fishing including XP's from OSRS.
  • Wilderness Resource area allows to fish for Manta Ray / Sea Turtle / Anglerfish.
  • Identical fishing rates per each fish type support.
  • Barbarian fish cutting support added.
  • Karambwan vessel fishing support added.
  • Big Fish Attack random event support where you get forced to drop your fishing equipment.


* Small Net: Shrimp/Anchovies

* Fishing Rod: Sardine/Herring


* Fly Fishing Rod: Trout/Salmon/Rainbow Fish

* Fishing Rod: Sardine/Herring


* Small Net: Shrimp/Anchovies

* Small Net: Shrimp/Anchovies
* Fishing Rod: Sardine/Herring
* Lobster Pot: Lobsters
* Harpoon: Tuna/Swordfish
* Small Net: Karambwanji

* Fishing Rod: Sardine/Herring


* Lobster Pot: Lobsters

* Harpoon: Tuna/Swordfish


* Big Net: Mackerel/Oyster/Cod/Bass/Casket

* Harpoon: Shark

Fishing Guild:

* Lobster Pot: Dark Crab

Wilderness Resource Area:
* Fishing Rod: Angler Fish
* Big Fishing Net: Manta Ray/Sea Turtle

Tai Wai Bannai:
* Small Net: Karambwanji
Al Kharid:
* Small Net: Shrimp/Anchovies
* Fishing Rod: Sardine/Herring

* Small Net: Shrimp/Anchovies
* Fishing Rod: Sardine/Herring


* Big Fishing Net: Manta Ray/Sea Turtle


* Barbarian Rod: Leaping Trout/Leaping Salmon/Leaping Sturgeon


* Big Fishing Net: Mackerel/Cod/Bass

* Harpoon: Shark/Big Shark


* Lobster Pot: Lobsters

* Harpoon: Tuna/Swordfish


* Karambwan Vessel: Karambwan


* Fly Fishing Rod: Trout/Salmon/Rainbow Fish

* Fishing Rod: Pike

Lumbridge Cave:

* Small Net: Frog Spawn

* Fishing Rod: Slimy Eel/Cave Eel


* Fishing Rod: Sacred Eel

Taverly Dungeon:

* Oily Fishing Rod: Infernal Eel/Lava Eel










Great update, thanks lou

Edited by Wrath

Nice to see this new things. Thanks! 💪

ty mate 

Nice nice


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