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We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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This week's patch includes over 50 bug fixes and tons of server optimization and changes!

Note: Due to many players reporting the bugs to be fixed, there will be a part 2 of this update which will contain other stuff to be continued such as spell book, spells glowing..etc

Let's get started!


Bugs and Fixes:

- Fixed some ladder problems and improved the existing system.

- Your combat will be reset when the NPC retreats.

- Engine base for sounds and music implemented.

- Blessed Saradomin's sword is now working correctly with the enchanting process.


- Light infinity is now tradeable.


- The cost to repair broken items has been slightly decreased.


- Reminder: The reward for exchanging voting points for blood money and coins is worth for less.
* Voting points to blood money/coins.

- Dice command taking you to the clipped area is fixed.

- Client's new user will now explain basic stuff on how to start playing.


- Dark beast defence and attack nerfed by 20%.

- Whip has now greater accuracy, and the special attack reduces the target's running energy by 75.

- Combat formula and accuracy has been modified with values of around 5-15%.

- Skull timer increased to 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes.

- Overload can no longer be used in duel arena, or before going to duel.

- Combat will not be reset anymore when equipping items. (Delay's attack by 1 tick).


- Special attacks powers buffed by about 3-9%.

- The combat delay by food has been reduced from 5 ticks to 2.

- You can no longer stake untradeable items in duel arena.


- High alchemy and other non-combat spells spam clicking fixed.

- You can now craft dragon SQ shield.


- Abyssal dagger special attack now shows correctly.

- Yell tickets price has been decreased.

- Slayer XP has been considerably buffed.

- Lady Keli can now be traded.

- Uncut Jade and Red topaz added to the crafting shop.


- Boss contracts system has been fixed.

- Thieving XP boosted by 20%.

- XP halve for skilling after level 92 is removed.

- Fixed slayer's enchantment bug in the wilderness above level 20.

- Ahrim's staff is now 1-handed.

- Having two sets of protection from dragon's breath will adequately protect you.
* For example, Shield + Mage pray will give you full protection.

- Combat attack style now saves upon logout.

- Fixed combat XP bug being divided by four after level 92.

- Tarn's fire hitting bug fixed.



- Dagganoth kings, and Godwars spawns will now work properly.

- Potion decanting causing you to have infinite potions fixed.

- Wilderness resources area fire fix.

- Giant mole hit points has been nerfed massively.

- Fixed a problem with XP lock.

- Ava's attractor now works properly.

- Fixed Zamorak chamber boss entrance in god wars.

- Mutant tarn has been nerfed slightly. Best protection prayers: Magic
* Magic max hit: 70
* Range max hit: 32
* Melee max hit: 55 (Low chances of melee attacks).
Melee defence reduced by 30%, Ranged defence increased by 35%, Magic defence reduced by 50%.

- Over 13 bosses have been optimized with their stats, nerf, and boosts.

- Giant sea snake runts issue fixed.


- Attacking NPC's from far with melee fixed.

- You can now get blood money reward without the 500,000 minimum target's wealth requirement.


- Wilderness bosses will now drop 60-200 Blood money:
* Chaos elemental
* Vet'ion
* Crazy Archeologist
* Scorpia
* Callisto
* Venenatis
* Chaos Fanatic

- You can now right click and add a friend from chat box on public mode.



- Jewelry making system implemented:
* You can use a gold bar on any furnace to start with jewelry making.
* After getting the items, you can enchant any of the items.




- Magic enchanting items support added.


- Yell tab fully functional:
* Off will no longer show any yells in the game.



- You now receive 100 blood money per one participation point you get:
* Participation points from donating are not applicable.

- Added bandit's brew in thieving store:
* Rewards 2,000,000 thieving XP.




- You can now buy 1m coins and 5k Blood money from skilling store with skilling points.


- Bolt enchanting magic spell support and system functionality:
* New spell in the spell book.
* You can now enchant bolts.

* Gem cutting to bolt tips (Coming soon).


- Shops are moved and updated.


- Added a slayer master in Edgeville that will give harder tasks:
* This is for new players to know they should look for other slayer masters.


- Limited lottery to 50M per account as a max per one lottery.


- Added system engine to support music and sounds for future use.

- Easter ring and Ring of stone will now work properly.




P.S: Some things are left incomplete and will require further testing. However, if you find any bugs, you can report it quickly and they should be fixed in the part 2 update which will be coming in the next few days. That is because we are in a hurry and we want to provide you with the best updates as soon as possible.

Awesome work Lou, looks great! 

These look brilliant thanks!

Nice work


- You can now buy 1m coins and 5k Blood money from skilling store with skilling points.



Is this a typo? Because the picture shows that for 10 points I can get 5k?

Edited by Brad

Update looks really good. Saw tons of stuff I had suggested there. 

Don't have option to buy BM or Coins from Alice in Edgeville. Tried relogging and restarting game aswell :/

9 minutes ago, WillyWonka said:

Don't have option to buy BM or Coins from Alice in Edgeville. Tried relogging and restarting game aswell :/

Players reported it, and it has been removed temporarily until a suitable price is decided.

Looking good :) can’t wait to try it out when i get home :)

Looks awesome! 

As usual, great update. So many less bugs and running much smoother. :)  

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