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My dear fellow grinderscapers.

Since there's no proper thread yet ever made on how the Donator Zone actually looks like and what it has to offer, i've come to the conclusion to inform you guys the best as i can.


With the permissions of "Jordan", we've decided that we would merge our both threads together and have one full guide pinned at the top of this section. I'll be adjusting and adding information where nessecary.


bronze_donator.png Bronze Donator bronze_donator.png

This rank has no specific benefits. It just states your rank as a Donator and a financiel supporter of Grinderscape



donator%20icon.png Regular Donator donator%20icon.png


The ability to ::yell (infinite amount)
The Ability to use the ::dz command (Teleports you to the donator zone)

Infinite Crystal Bow ammunitions
Slayer task's amount reduction: 40%
Bone crusher charge's multiplier: x5
Higher chance of receiving Jad pet in exchange for firecape

Donator's rank icon
Max hit preview in equipment tab
Ability to use the Gilded Altar
Enter GWD chambers without KC

Ability to use the KQ's boss shortcut
5 KC requirement for Tarn's, Ice Queen's and Kamil's lair
Shift+Click to drop items from your inventory
Use items on a Bank Booth to note/unnote them
Forum/Discord rank upon request



donator%20icon11.png Super Donator donator%20icon11.png


Same benefits as
donator%20icon.png Regular Donator donator%20icon.png
::hp (Restores hitpoints/Prayer)



donator%20icon15.png Extreme Donator donator%20icon15.png


Same benefits as
donator%20icon11.png Super Donator donator%20icon11.png



legendary-donator.png Legendary Donator legendary-donator.png


Same benefits as 
donator%20icon15.png Extreme Donator donator%20icon15.png
::bank (Opens Bank tab)



platinum_donator.png Platinum Donator platinum_donator.png


Same benefits as
legendary-donator.png Legendary Donator legendary-donator.png

Before you can get there, you must be sure you have at least an amount of $50 donated to the server, registered on your grinderscape account. Once you have this requirement, you can use the easy command "::dz" and it will teleport you right there outside the bank.



Mining / Smithing Area
Agility Ticket Store Area
Gilded Altar + Bones Shop
Farming Area
Thieving Area
Fishing / Cooking Area
Shops Area (Main shop Area, Fishing Shop, Herb Shop)
Crafting Area
Slayer Masters
Woodcutting / Firemaking / Fletching Area
Mage of Zamorak / Hunter Expert


Mining / Smithing Area

So the first Area we will be talking about is the Mining and Smithing Area, which is located South on the island. This area has everything u need to get you from 1-99 mining and smithing. The only first 15 mining levels will have to be done in the dwarven mines since there are no copper or tin ores in the ::dz. All the other rocks can be found there and are close to the bank. This Area has it's own tutors that can assign u skilling tasks, sell you outfits in exchange for points and much much more.



Agility Ticket Store

This is the same NPC you can find at the Gnome agility course or the Barbarian Agility course. She is located south of the mining/smithing area.




Right after you teleported to the Donator Zone using ::dz, you'll spawn just outside of the bank, located just to the east of your current location. The bank is located approx. in the center of the island. This means it's close to every single Area you are at and easily accessible.



Gilded Altar

Just as at home, there's an altar and a shop with bones. I wouldn't suggest buying bones from this shop as they are quite expensive. Also, i've been told that the gilded altar at ::dz grants more experience than the regular Altar at home. So i would definitly suggest using this one instead of the regular. The Gilded altar is located just east of the bank. There's also a healing box which will restore your stats and an altar where you can change your spellbook.



Farming Area

Right south of the gilded altar, there are two herb patches which can be used for farming. I have never really farmed on here before, but as fas i know, you could use these patches just as an extra. You could to the regular patches in catherby, taverly, etc... to increase your xp / hour. There's also a "Tool Leprechaun"  who can sell you all the supplies you need.



Thieving Area

As we all know, thieving is the most common skill / early money maker on almost ever rsps. It's not different here, to make your first few bills, you'll be willing to go thieving and get your starters gear from that cash. Just as at home, there a bank nearby and which can be used to bank your stuff you get from the misc. or gem stalls (At least for people who wanna save their thievings.) The stalls are located just west of the bank. The Thieving master also has a shop which can be used from thieving skilling points you get from completing tasks for him.



Fishing / Cooking Area

Not much of a difference with the mining/smithing area. All required fishing spots are available, same for the cooking range and the master fisher for tasks / shop. The fishing / Cooking area is located north-east of the bank.



Shops Area (Main Shop Area, Fishing Shop, Herb Shop)

Most of the common shops are located North of the thieving stalls, but beware, not all shops are there. Some of them are located somewhere else such as the Fishing shop and the Herb shop. They're not hard to find though, they're located with some icons on the minimap, and as the ::dz is not that big, it won't be a big of a deal to find them.



Crafting Area

The Crafting Area is located  South-West of the mining/smithing Area. It also has it's own shop. I have no idea how people train their crafting, but i would suggest just start off buying opals and get your crafting up untill you can do black d'hide or uncut dragonstones. Anyways, another picture down this.



Slayer Masters

There are 2 slayer masters on this island, Turael and Vannaka. Honestly these are not the best slayer masters i would just recommend using slayer's enchantments and teleport to the best slayer master ingame. At this location there's also an emblem trader which u can trade to buy stuff from using blood money. Those NPC's are located west on the island.



Woodcutting / Firemaking / Fletching

On the most eastern side of the island, there are lots of mage &  yew trees located. I would indeed first suggest getting 60 wc by cutting willows in either seers village or draynor village. I always combine these skills here cause it's time consuming using the bank each time. Just bring a knife or a tinderbox to train 2 skills at once. Woodcutting tutor also there to give u tasks and sell his stuff from the shop.



Mage of Zamorak / Hunter Expert

Those two NPC's are located in the most north-eastern corner of the island. Both can be traded for either magic or hunter supplies.



- Credits -

@Jordan - Thanks for letting me merch our both topics and the suggestions.

@Valar - Thanks for designing the gfx files i asked you for.

Edited by LadderGoat


First comment reserved for me to update the topic status.

Update #1:

  • Unfinished guide because of upload limitations. Want to make a proper guide with proper images, max upload is 1000kb, which is not enough.
  • I have informed Lou about this and will continue editing this thread as the limitation gets removed.
  • Please Leave a comment and inform me of missing content that could be added. All the help is welcome!

Update #2:

  • I have found a way to get all the pictures in there that i had to put in. The only problem here is that there might be time limitations on those picture links.
  • The pluspoint on the other hand is that i've saved every single picure. If those links may expire one day, i still have those pictures to update the guide.
  • Please leave a comment and suggest/adjust where nessecary

Update #3:

  • Mage of Zamorak has been added
  • Hunter Expert has been added

Update #4:

  • After discussing this with @Jordan, we have decided the merch our topic's into one topic and pin it on top of the section.
  • Donator ranks + benefits have been added and adjusted where nessecary.
  • Customized the topic layout to improve readability.
  • Added gfx design headers thanks to @Valar

Update #5:

  • Added the remaining donator forum banners designed by @Valar B-DON.png LDON.png PLATDON.png
Edited by LadderGoat

Nice thread lol this couple possibly help/ interest players more into donation and see parts of the server no regular players can see! And yes the gilded alter grants more exp!

Very nice :) this will help alot of new players thanks for the guide :)

  • Guest pinned this topic

That's a nice guide! Someone should pin this so it stays on the top of the topic list

I like it, i wish there was more individual bonuses between each donator rank.., overall i love this guide, and donor zone needs a bit updating aswell 😛

Apparently the 5 kc for GWD is not working.


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