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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Bugs and Fixes:

- Fixed up ranged projectiles, and made arrows not drop on blocked positions.

- Fixed a bug with Fire surge spells not being strong over NPC's that are weak to fire spells.

- A proper fix for Black knight titan being suck in the horizontal wall.

- Zulrah is now available to everyone instead of only donators.

- Fixed an issue where you get a jad pet, but you cannot claim it.

- Reduced the respawn timer for many NPC's for Slayer as requested by the members.

- Fixed KBD bug spawning at 1,000 hit points.

- Proper degradation support for barrows 25 items.

- Fixed clue Dance a jig by the entrance to the Fishing Guild.

- Make-over mage now requires 10m GP to change looks.

- Reduced overall combat XP rates.

- Vengeance now gives experience upon usage.

- UIM rewards will no longer be sent to the bank, but instead, drop under.

- Fixed a lot of bugs that had to do with achievements such as typos, rewards, and progress.

- Finish tasks command will now finish two more tasks if precompleted.

- Added a delay for teleporting to the wilderness boss spirit.

- All dragonstone jewelry can be used to teleport from up to level 30 Wilderness.

- Fixed looting bag add-all option and stackables support.

- Home teleport is now like on OSRS.

- Stopped ammunition from appearing on the floor when wearing ava's assembler.

- Fixed a bug with combination runes not being useable in spells.

- Fixed staves not providing runes for bolt enchanting.

- Fixed a bug causing some spells to take double runes per cast.

- Vorkath/Cerberus bugs are now fixed 100%.

- Flower poker issues are appropriately patched.

- Fixed barrows brothers not being removed in some cases.

- Increased maximum lottery tickets from 2b to 10b, and made it auto draw when full.

- Added a magic attack to Ice troll king and reduced respawn time.

- Fixed a bug causing you to lose the stackables if they are more than 2147m on floor.

- Completing slayer tasks will now reward 30% less Blood money.

- Fixed a bug causing players not to receive their dicer's rank when purchasing it with a package.

- Fixed a bug with Agility causing you to be stuck for 2 seconds.



- Great tweaks to the Weapon Minigame and Battle Royale Minigame:
* Full dialogue system for minigame details.
* Broadcast announcements upon minigame starting/ending/winner.
* NEW OSRS items in the minigame store.
* All participating players do get points based on their activity in the minigame.
* Expanded the waiting room area.



- More work complete over on Construction:
* It is 75% complete, got all the rooms working, dungeon system, and servants.
* It will only be released once it is at least 90% which still got to make all objects working such as Nexus Portal, Teletab making, portals..etc







- The Farming skill being redone and almost complete.



- Quest tab replenishment:
* All the buttons in the quest tab will now work properly with proper details.


- Significant rework on some items in all stores.


- New random tips and messages upon login.


- Complete new combat system was redone from scratch:
* Monster race support: UNDEAD, DRAGON, GIANT, DEMON, GOBLIN, BOSS, etc.
* Support for Turquoise slayer helmets, hydra, and twisted.
* Recoil mechanics now stack like on OSRS.
* All enchanted bolts will now have occurance rate like on OSRS.
* Amulet of damned and torag defence support.
* Salve amulet, Salve amulet (e) against undead NPC's type.
* All weapon special attacks proper accuracy and damage multipliers.
* Arclight special attack against demon NPC's type.
* Leaf bladed battleaxe against Kurask and Turoth when they are on Slayer task.
* Obsidian set effect when wearing all the items, including cape.
* Saradomin's blessed sword bonus special attack damage.
* Diamond bolts and Diamond bolts (e) boosted damage.
* Onyx bolts and Onyx bolts (e) boosted damage.
* Berserker necklace effect.
* Darklight weapon effect against demon NPC's type.
* Gadderhammer against shade NPC type.
* Keris weapon effect against Scabarites and Kalphites.
* Serpentine, Magma, and Tanzanite helmet protection from poison.
* Prayer Redemption proper effect.
* Prayer Smite proper effect.
* Ring of recoil effects.
* Dragon warhammer properly nerfing NPC stats on special attack.
* Lava blade weapon effects on PVP.
* Abyssal bludgeon strength bonus multipliers.
* All barrows set effects.
* Dragonstone/Opal/Pearl bolts ranged maximum hit multipliers.
* Magic comp bow and Seercull special attack effects.
* Slayer dart, Trident of seas, Trident of the swamp damage modifiers.
* Tome of fire effects on fire spells.
* Smoke battlestaff effects and damage multiplier.
* Occult necklace effect.
* Tormented bracelet effects.
* Mage's book magic accuracy multiplier.
* Elysian spirit shield effect.
* Vengeance effects + proper stacking with amulet of damned and recoils.
* Amulet of the Damned effect.
* Dragon hunter lance effects.
* Ring of life item effects.
* Justiciar armour effect.
* Amulet of the Damned
* Crossbow bolts effects.
* MUCH MUCH more fixes and additions coming soon.
Note: This combat update will make the way you slay monsters is completely different than what it used to be. NPC's defence stats will now properly work.
What this means is some bosses will be impossible to slay in certain combat styles such as Ranged, Magic, or Melee. Some bosses will be weak to Crush
attack styles, while others are weak to Magic or Ranged. Some NPCs have very high stats and require Verac's to skip the defence such as Venenatis or Callisto.
You can always go to OSRS wiki and see what the easiest way of slaying the boss or NPC is.
Remember Craw's bow gives 50% increased accuracy against Wilderness NPC's. Twisted Bow might not be as powerful as it is, it depends on the NPC stats, so make sure you know how it works properly before using it.





- Updated skill guides to support all the newest OSRS items and their requirements.

- Redone most of the jewelry teleportation system:

- Redone all Prayer skill mechanics to match OSRS:
* All the proper bonuses and boosts.
* Exact timings and delays for all prayers. (Example: Smite is 1 point per 2 seconds, 1/(2000/600) = 0.3
* Flickering is now properly supported on the game.

- Added support perfectly like on OSRS for all light sources + extinguish features.

- Added a system for fixed XP rates to fix bandit's brew, and all tomes on classic and many other game modes.

- Added 25% bonus experience in the Wilderness resource area.

- Kaqeemix NPC at home which can note all of your herbs.


- Wilderness boss spawn changes and improvements:
* The boss spirit will fade slowly as the hitpoints decrease.
* The rewards are massively boosted and increased.
* Broadcast announcements for boss spirit spawn.
* Stats boosts so it is challenging and cannot be solo'ed.

- Added system support for a lot of jewelry:
* Added Abyssal Bracelet system.
* Added Burning Amulet system.
* Added Combat Bracelet system.
* Added Digsite Pedant system.
* Added Games Necklace system.
* Added Ring of Returning system.
* Added Skills Necklace system.
* All teletabs should now work like on OSRS (Excluding revert and a few minor features).

- Improved our region handling system, which should make regions load 20% faster.

- Tons of Quality of Life improvements:




- Runecrafting skill rework:
* You can use the portal in Runecrafting altars to teleport back home.
* Mage of Zamorak dialogues is now like on OSRS.
* Supports tiara making when used with altars.
* Guthix altar like on old GS (COMING SOON)
* Ourania altar support.
* All talismans are supported 100%.
* The Abyss support with all shortcuts, and abyss bracelet for no skull.
* All rune pouches should work perfectly.
* Essence mine teleport and functionality support.



- MASSIVE dialogues rework:
* Over 250 lines of dialogues added to tons of NPC's over Grinderscape to help support new players.
* Interactions rework for most NPC's to improve the ease of the game.





- New dice zone map, fun pk map, and minigame waiting room expansion.


- Added Voting streak system support:
* Messages and announcements on voting streaks.
* Increased points when voting with a streak.
* Great rewards are given upon reaching a certain level on streaks.
* Streak penalty support.

- Added imbued item support for all items while speaking to Perdu in Edgeville home.

- Added ability to support having multiple skilling tasks at the same time from different masters.

- Added boss instance system: (Still requires a few fixes which will be hotfixed soon)
* You can pay 5m to enter a private boss instance system.
* Fees are half the price for Iron Man game modes.
* 10m fees for a clan instance (You must be clan owner, and anyone who joins in this option will join your instance if they are in the same clan chat).
* All bosses will be supporting the instance system in the future.


- Redone voting/donation redeeming system.

Thanks for your work was very patient for this update.

Love it! cant wait to try out all the new stuff!!

Construction is gonna be nice update! Cant wait for all this new content!

Great update! Nice to see fixed bugs and tons of new stuff. Was a pleasure to help you. Keep up this great work! 💪 

Loving the new update man! hope to see more in the future like this ❤️
Good job !

Good work guys; solid update! 

Amazing update! can't wait to do some instances and minigames! Keep up the great work!

Great update! Looking forward!

Please improve drop rates and get back instant home teleport. 

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