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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Bugs and Fixes:

- Fixed desert shirt equipment bug.

- Changed 100 JAD kills achievement from 35M GP to 25k tokkuls.

- Announcement added when someone teleports to the wilderness boss event.

- Wilderness boss event blood money increased to 15,000!

- You no longer need coal to make bars with mithril ores.

- Slayer task count reduced for some NPCs by up to 25%!

- Alch will now give increased value for items by almost double the value.

- Reduced the speed you can farm XP from hunter traps, and added random event to prevent botting.

- Fixed thammaron's sceptre bug & nerfed the spell damage by 26%!

- Rebuffed dragon claw's accuracy on special attack by 12%!

- Fixed wilderness resource area teleport to proper location from spell book.

- Ancient wyvern shield and Dragonfire ward now count as protection from dragon's fire.

- Reworked tutorial system and fixed all the bugs that were found.

- Fixed Jubbly bird typo.

- Green banner can now be equipped properly.

- Typo fix with message for player receiving rare drop of 100 dragon dart instead of 100 dragon darts. (Applies to all items)

- Updated ::benefits command, and few other command tweaks.

- Running up to objects with new system to calculate proper distance, and walking bug fixes.


- Clipping fix for home area.

- Added a system to support un-loseable items such as the ironman armour:
* Item's cannot be dropped.
* Item's cannot be lost on death.
* Item's cannot be gambled or staked.
* Item's cannot be emptied on Ironman.

- Nerfed Twisted bow damage in the wilderness by 18%!

- Fixed highest killstreak increasing over the killstreak.

- Removed many items announcements from the rare drop system.

- Achievements that are in progress will now show in yellow color.


- Increased Indigo's whip & Dragon's whip strength bonuses by 10%!

- Fixed stuck accounts in the wilderness, your account will automatically log out after 180 seconds.

- Fixed Overload potion drinking, now it will no longer bug with Herblore level requirement.

- Fixed a bug where it showed you went offline in private chat when you delete someone off the list.

- You can now use dragon bolts with ACB!

- Fixed a bug in the ranged skill interface, and optimized the system to support more features.

- Mystery box announcements on rare items.


- Updated master casket's rewards list.

- Fixed over 15 broken ladders and stairs.

- Participation points now give the double amount of blood money.

- Over 20 typo fixes that were reported by players.

- Slayer tasks amount re-optimized based on the task difficulty.

- Drop announcements will no longer announce non rare items.

- Updated donator's benefit command and interface.

- Fully fixed the Global moderator's rank with all the commands and privileges.

- You will no longer disconnect in the wilderness while being AFK!

- Tutorial system has been redone and completely fixed from all reported bugs.

- Tons of combat fixes and optimizations, you should be able to feel a significant change in the combat system overall.

- Fixed emotes and special attacks for ghrazi rapier, Scythe of Vitur, Statius Warhammer, vesta's spear, and vesta's longsword.


- Fixed kree'arra possibly, need more testing.

- Fixed a bug where you did not lose items on death in some locations.

- It is now darker in the god wars zamorak boss chamber.


- Clan chat maximum size has been increased to fit up to 200 players.

- Clan wars now teleport you to the proper location, minigame to be coming soon.

- Rune crossbow has been nerfed a bit.

- Black knight titan upgrades and enhancements.

- The untouchable safe spotting issue will no longer happen.

- Dropping max cash will no longer disappear on the floor.

- Skills can now peak up to 250M total experience with timestamps for who maxed the skill first.

- Skill rewards will now show the player's rank in the server announcements.

- Your account will automatically log out while AFK in the wilderness, and will no longer get stuck.

- Auto retaliate bug has been fixed.

- It now displays a message in the chatbox when the gambling space is full.

- You will no longer lose items when removing or adding items to the gambling interface.

- Dropping your barrows items will break, looting bag will make all items disappear in the bag, and dropping
your clue scroll will reset the task.

- Fixed Hunger minigame event giving a lot of participation points.

- Fixed wilderness boss spam announcing when someone teleports there.

- You will no longer get a clue scroll drop if you have one of the same type.

- Fixed over 35 clue scrolls bugs.

- Fixed a bug when being you had no inventory or bank space for leveling a skill or reaching a certain XP reward. It will
now be dropped under you.

- You will now get double the value of high alching items, compared to the old values.

- Fixed rune dart (p) and dragon arrows (p++)

- You can now use dragon javelin p++ with the heavy ballista.

- Dragon arrows (p++) and dragon javelin (p++) will have a venom effect instead of super poison.

- You will no longer lose items from rune pouch upon logging.


- Blackjack Dicing Option:
* Complete interface with real blackjack gambling.
* Supports stand/hit methods.
* Completely fair system!


- Party Drop Chest:




- Bank Pin System:
* Dialogue for Security Guard.
* PIN will be required when opening bank in anyway "Only have to do once after login".
* Can reset/add a PIN from the security guard "You will be prompted to enter your current PIN if you try to reset".
* Security Guard spawned in Edgeville bank south wall.
* Ability to remove your bank PIN by talking to security guard.
* The bank PIN can only be reset or removed if you enter the correct PIN number.




* New teleport!
* Completely instanced boss.
* All of Vorkath's attack strategies.
* Great drops has been added.
* Can be killed as a blue dragon slayer task.
* Zombified Spawn support.
* Acid Pools.
* Dragonfire attacks.
* Prayer disabling.
* Fireball attack.
* Freezing attack.
* Vorkath pet added with full dialogue support.





- Drop Table Now Suggests Names.

- Global Moderator Rank:
* Fully functional rank.
* Has different command powers.
* Ability to choose when eligible from the rank chooser.

- Achievement Progress & Completion tracking.



- Inferno Basic Functionality Implemented.


- Wilderness Warning:
* Wilderness warning will now appear when you try to enter the wilderness.


* New teleport!
* Completely instanced boss.
* Tons of new systems and methods has been added to the server which is used to create a perfect Hydra boss.
* All the correct stats for Hydra such as attack distancing, combat defence for all types, and the attacks
* Hydra's fire attack.
* Firewall attack.
* 4 different phases perfectly added.
* Electrical stunning attack.
* Hydra vent's support.
* New item drops!
* Requires 95 slayer to slay.









- Regular Hydra's Area Has Also Been Added With New Teleport!


- Clue Scroll System:
* Easy, Medium, Hard, and Elite clue scroll support.
* Anagrams types of clues.
* Maps types of clues.
* Puzzles types of clues.
* Cryptic types of clues.
* Emote tasks.
* Dig tasks.
* Over 100 new items as a reward.
* Each clue has unique rewards.
* Scanning locations support!
* Over 140 different tasks!






















- Doors System Support:
* A complete new system to support all types of doors.
* Single & Double door support.
* Force Open/Close door support.
* All gates support.
* Will be used for quest base later, temporarily disabled for now.

- 6 New Region's Music.

- 5 New Boss Contract Bosses!

- Useful Links & Client Options Navigation.

- Drawers, Boxes, Crates, and Hay bales searching system.

- Wilderness Boss Changes:
* 4 new wilderness bosses.
* Spawns once every 90 minutes.
* Fixed the mass spam messages.
* Slay the boss for 15,00 blood money.

- New Jungle Demon Area!


- Voting Tickets:
* You will get voting tickets when redeeming votes.
* The tickets can be traded to other players.


- Completely Modified The Drops System Formula:
* It will be intermediate to hard to receive a rare drop from normal NPC's.
* Bosses will have an easy to intermediate chance of dropping a rare item. However, it depends
on the type and rarity of the item. You will see the difference in-game.

- Added Support For All Types Of Ammunitions:
* Darts (p, p+, p++)
* Knives (p, p+, p++)
* Javelins (p, p+, p++)
* Bolts (p, p+, p++)
* Arrows (p, p+, p++)
* Support for ice arrows

- Over 13 New Game Announcements Has Been Added.

- New Account Security System:
* A bank PIN must be available on the account for the system to work. The first time you log in to your account, your current
IP address will be whitelisted. What this means is, whenever someone logins to your account from a new IP address, all the
actions on the account will be blocked with a prompt to enter your bank PIN. Failure to enter the correct PIN for 10 tries
will cause the account to get permanently locked until the further check from staff to verify you are the real account owner.
A new section on the forums has been opened to deal with such issues. This should secure your account.
Remember not to use the same password on different websites, games, and always keep it unique as some people try to take
advantage of leaked databases to steal your password on different places.







- Achievement System:
* Tasks that has already been started will show up as yellow color in the quest tab.
* A new interface will pop up on the screen when you finish an achievement.
* Achievement progress system has been added.

- Game Mode Chooser:
* You can now choose your game mode from 5 different modes.
* Ironman game mode: You will not be eligible to trade, duel, gamble, use various shops, use the lottery,
benefit from in-game command trivia, share monsters kill for loot, and other in-game restrictions.
You get a unique rank icon with complete new high scores to compete on.
* Hardcore ironman: All the restrictions for Ironman with additions that you only have one life, if you die it will cause
your account to be converted into regular ironman.
* Ultimate Ironman: The ultimate hardest gameplay mode. All the restrictions on ironman, with the addition you cannot bank, buy most
of the shops items, receive achievement rewards, and some minor other restrictions.
* Classic: This is a unique game mode that has all the exact same features of a normal player, but with addition to a unique
rank and high scores. Classic players get 1/3 the default experience, however they get 50% extra blood money from PK rewards and
they have almost the double chance of getting a rare drop from bosses than normal players. Some more features will be added
in the future.




- New Distance & Clipping System:
* The running to objects system has been redone.
* You now properly use objects with proper distances such as using stalls from a far distance.

- New Cache Support:
* We have updated our cache to support a lot of new features.
* New Maps!
* New Objects!
* Over 350 new usable items.
* Over 220 new monsters.
* Over 6 new bosses to be added in the future.



- Adamant & Rune Dragons Zone:
* New teleport!
* Drops the ultimate dragon godsword (almost 10% better than armadyl godsword)
* New drops!
* Completely challenging!




- Dragonfire Shield Support:
* Ability to charge your DFS up to 20 charges!
* Unleash a new dragon attack to your enemies.
* Support for Dragonfire ward, and wyvern shield.



- Degradation System & Item's Integrities:
* A completely new system for degrading items.
* Custom new items that can be used in combat for 30 minutes before degrading.
* Barrows now degrade after being used in combat for about 3 hours.
* New items: Dark bow (c), Abyssal whip (c), spirit shield's (c), twisted bow (c) & much more can
be found spread in the shops. These items will last in combat for 30 minutes and expire.
* You can examine/operate the items for more.






- Ring Upgrading System:
* You can now upgrade your combat rings by talking to perdu
* You can dis-enchant your ring.
* Payment varies depending on the ring type.
* When you die with an enchanted ring it will become un-enchanted.




- OSRS Tokens Exchange System:
* New store with a complete dialogue to explain how the mechanism works.
* Buys items that are displayed in his shop for 1/3 their offered price. For example, Twisted bow sells for 900m
and will be bought from you 300m quick cash.
* Sells OSRS tokens for 600m cash each.
* OSRS tokens can be traded to other players or you can make a thread on forums with how many tokens you want to exchange
and a staff member will contact you to make an appointment to trade the tokens for OSRS GP. 1 token = 1M OSRS





- New Items Added:
* Clown set
* Collection's log
* Star-face
* Tree set
* Candy Cane
* Hydra bones /w full support
* Dragon knifes
* Hydra's Claw
* Hydra's Eye
* Hydra's Heart
* Hydra's Fang
* Guardian Boots
* Brimstone Ring
* Dragon hunter's lance
* Ferocious gloves
* Bonecrusher necklace
* Hydra's tale
* Bruma torch
* Warm gloves
* Runefest shield
* Drakan's medallion
* Armadyl d'hide and robes set
* Bandos d'hide and robes set
* Zaros Mjolnir
* Mystic (dusk) set
* Event RPG
* Ale of the gods
* Boxing gloves /w effects
* Banshee's set
* Giant present
* Large spade
* Nunchaku
* Black (p) set
* Gilded Santa hat
* Azure Santa hat
* Pimpz Santa hat
* Fushia Santa hat
* Orange H'ween mask
* Camo party hat
* Purple H'ween mask
* Killer's knife
* Heavy casket
* Stale baguette
* Heavy casket
* Holy water
* Evil chicken set
* Black tourmaline core
* Boots of brimstone
* Devout boots
* Boots of stone
* Cattleprod
* Giant carp (heals +30)
* Pedant of Lucien
* Citizen set
* Mourner set
* Beads of the deed
* Fremennik sea boots 1-4
* Bucket Helm
* Red elegant blouse
* Green elegant blouse
* Arceus scarf
* Fancy tiara
* Bowl wig
* Half-moon spectacles
* Comp bows + support
* Musketeer's set
* & Much more!








First! lovely update lou! cant wait to check it all out!

Edited by Barry

Amazing big update! Really looking forward to the new content and the new modes to play :D Keep it up ❤️ 

Beautifull !!!

Time to play again for this amazin update

So much content, it was definitely worth the wait. 👍


nice update lou

Couldn't find the #DemoteZod or Mini-Zod Pet.
But for real a really great update, good job developers :)

Love the update! good job who worked on that ❤️ 


Nice update lou good work :D

Great job, awesome update 😀

Mann this is Awesomeee keep it upp!!!!

Great update lou. This is by far the most impressive update so far. This is great to see and is definitely going to give the player base more events to take part in. Thanks again!

Thanks for the sweet comments, all the bugs found should be fixed within few days :)

Nice update.

Sweet update!
Now I gonna play more times ❤️

Huge one! That's what we all wanted to see :)


Can't wait to log back in to experience all the new content. 


Thanks Lou and the devs

Ahh, finally we got it. A working dfs, clues in our banks will finally be used.. We love you, and thank you for this biiiig update!

Damn, what a great update :)

Good work Lou!

Crafting ring bug.  I have all the required parts to make the brimstone ring but it says


and the keys in my invent don't work on chests and say...


Only two bugs ive found so far.

On a side note i feel like dhcb needs a buff on dragons as it feels just like a rcb.

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