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Ice Troll King is the mighty king of all Ice Trolls. 
But also he is one of the more easier bosses in-game. Being level 122 and having 255 Hitpoints with a possible max hit of 40.
Here is how he looks.

Картинки по запросу Ice troll king



The most effective way to kill the Ice Troll King is using melee, since he has high Mage / Range defence.
Once you teleport into the boss area, turn on prayer from melee and go to the center where the Ice Troll King is located and attack.
Once the Ice Troll King hp will reach 65-70%, 2 Ice Troll Runts Level 74 and they have 60 hitpoints each, and can hit a max hit of 16.
You must kill the
 Ice Troll Runts to proceed killing the Ice Troll King otherwise you can't attack the Ice Troll King.

After you kill the Ice Troll Runts you can proceed to kill the Ice Troll King, I suggest you use your special attack weapon now, and just finish killing the boss.


For the requirements you will need:
Stat wise: 43
prayer, base 60's in melee stats.
Gear wise: Basic melee gear will do.
Item wise: Just prayer / restore potions and a few food.



For equipment I will be deviding it into 3 categories: Cheap | Medium | Expensive


Armour set: Rune full helm, Rune platebody / platelegs/skirt, Rune gloves.
Boots: Adamant boots | Climbing boots.
Cape: Ardougne cloak | Any cloak.
Necklace: Berkserker necklace.
Ring: Ring of recoil.
Weapon: Dragon scimitar.
Off hand | Shield: Dragonfire shield.



Armour set: Helm of neitiznot, Bandos chestplate / tassets, Barrows gloves.
Boots: Dragon boots.
Cape: Fire cape.
Necklace: Amulet of madness.
Ring: Berserker ring.
Weapon: Abbysal whip.
Off hand | Shield: Dragonfire shield.



Armour set: Void melee helm, Elite void top / bottom, Void gloves.
Boots: Primordial boots.
Cape: Infernal cape / Infernal max cape.
Necklace: Amulet of eternal glory.
Ring: Berserker ring (i).
Weapon: Ghrazi rapier.
Off hand | Shield: Dragonfire shield.



For the inventory It's pretty simple:


Spec weapon, super combat potion, few food and mostly prayer / restore potions.



Ice Troll King is located in the boss teleport -> Ice Troll King



The only prayer you need to kill the Ice Troll King is protect from Melee ( Level 43 )




So the drop - table will go as followed: Common | Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Special

1x Steel med helm - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Steel warhammer - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Black warhammer - 1 in 5 drop chance
60x Earth runes - 1 in 5 drop chance
7x Nature runes - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Strawberry seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Wildblood seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Limpwurt seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Marrentill seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Tarromin seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Harralander seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Whiteberry seed - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Grimy guam leaf - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Grimy marrentill - 1 in 5 drop chance
1x Grimy tarromin - 1 in 5 drop chance
250x Coins - 1 in 5 drop chance
3x Coal - 1 in 5 drop chance
3x Raw mackerel - 1 in 5 drop chance


1x Mithril sq shield - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Adamant warhammer - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Adamant med helm - 1 in 10 drop chance
2x Law runes - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Cactus seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Jangerberry seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Poison Ivy seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Toadflax seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Ranarr seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Irit seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Belladonna seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Avantoe seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Lantadyme seed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Mushroom spore - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Grimy harralander - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Grimy ranarr weed - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Grimy Irit leaf - 1 in 10 drop chance
1x Grimy avantoe - 1 in 10 drop chance


1x Watermelon seed - 1 in 25 drop chance
1x Kwuarm seed - 1 in 25 drop chance
1x Snapdragon seed - 1 in 25 drop chance
1x Dwarf weed seed - 1 in 25 drop chance
1x Grimy kwuarm - 1 in 25 drop chance
1x Grimy cadantine - 1 in 25 drop chance
1x Grimy lantadyme - 1 in 25 drop chance


Very Rare
1x Torstol seed - 1 in 50 drop chance
1x Grimy dwarf weed - 1 in 50 drop chance
1x Ensouled troll head - 1 in 50 drop chance


1x Long bone - 1 in 64 drop chance
1x Curved bone - 1 in 64 drop chance
1x Samurai Kasa - 1 in 128 drop chance
1x Ava's assembler - 1 in 64 drop chance
1x Samurai shirt - 1 in 128 drop chance
1x Samurai greaves - 1 in 128 drop chance
1x Samurai gloves - 1 in 64 drop chance
1x Samurai boots - 1 in 64 drop chance
1x Occult necklace - 1 in 68 drop chance
1x Teacher wand - 1 in 40 drop chance
1x Clue scroll ( Elite ) - 1 in 128 drop chance
1-100x Dragon darts - 1 in 36 drop chance

If I missed anything, or you have any question's please let me know! :)
Thanks for reading and I hope this guide will be helpful to you!
Huge thank you to:
@Valar - for gfx
@Timebrawler - for info/help
@Ldm - for info/help
@Zod - for info/help
~Regards Michael


Edited by Mikey


Great guide for new players who want to start bossing! Very thorough and informative, and clearly a lot of effort put into this. 

Might I recommend your next guide be Jad, considering the popularity of Fire/Infernal capes. I feel it would be very popular. Just an idea for you to consider. :)

Thank you! 

Edited by Melisha
Wanted to add a suggestion.

Very good guide dude!! Turned out nice!! Thanks for making this! :)

110% ! well done! can this be made ingame / bosses?


Nice detailed and clean guide, keep it up guys!

Very nice and well written guide, I'd like to see more coming from you. Thanks for making this !

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