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This forum is deprecated.

We’ve decided to deprecate the community forum starting August 29, 2022. We will keep all existing accounts, threads and comments, but no new registrations will be accepted after that date. Our initial intention was for this forum to be a place where the community could communicate and interact about all things from Grinderscape. However, over the years, most of the posts have amounted to Discord such as general chat, bug reports or feature requests, much resembling a more professional and advanced way of communicating. This has led to the following decision that our main focus will be on Discord for all of the server updates, bugs, support line, and more which will make it more active and worth looking at. This means less hassle to check forums and Discord as now you know everything will be on Discord.

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Hi Grinders,

Finally finished fixing most of the player reported bugs and the suggestions were all completed. Here we are bringing this update for you. As we have fixed most of the major bugs, we can now focus on bringing new content such as flower dicing, old dicing system, pest control, pvp tournaments..etc

Now let's keep the talk less and post the update :D

P.S: Make sure you download latest client from website!

Bug fixes:

- Fixed a bug where donators didn't get their rank when donating $50 because it counted as $49.99

- Few task rewards has been nerfed.

- Pathing system has been reworked, should be highly improved now.

- Clan chat first word will be capitalized always.


- Bank tabs fixed on the resizeable settings interface.

- All links that used to open the old voting page now opens new one.

- ::updates command added.

- Donators, Super Donators, and Extreme donators can now yell and use the quest tab.

- Staff can yell, and use the quest tab properly.

- Updated forums user bars for donators, super, and extreme.

- Updated website homepage with new banners.

- Fixed and redone the donation page, and if you are eligible it will add the donator's rank, mystery boxes, and voting points as a bonus reward.

- Clan chat ranks now save on every clan chat, and only the clan chat owner can set rules to his own cc.

- Agility money rewards has been nerfed to match the economy scale.

- Shops prices optimized.

- Added missing slayer masters.

- Smithing iron bars gives blood money and should be coins instead.

- Pickpocketing npc's XP is increased by 33%.

- You can now pickpocket hero at Ardougne for highest XP.

- You can no longer open rules while in the wilderness.

- You can no longer use stuck command to escape from jail.

- Aemad fishing net & knife will now function properly.

- Gnome googles wrong prices at voting store fixed.

- Dragon platelegs is glitchy when wearing them (From casket)

- Cooking gloves effect now works.

- Fixed some skillcapes requiring different stats.

- Removed new player welcome message.

- Skeletons at mb dropping emblems too often at mb near giant bats and hill giants.

- Zamorak wizards near skilling resource areas max hit nerfed.



Content and Changes:

- New trade screen interface.


- Price checker: 1 blood money will count as 10 gp. Soon you will be able to check real in-game prices that are same as on wiki once the economy is settled.


- Clan chat:


  1. You can now make a private clan chat.
  2. Set ranks with ability to kick players.
  3. Specify which ranks are allowed to talk in the clan chat.
  4. Specify which ranks that can ban players from a clan chat.
  5. Choices with up to 7 different ranks.

- Slayer's enhancement item will now teleport you to Duradel for hardest slayer tasks.


- Added wilderness thieving with boosted XP & resources.

  • Pickpocketing NPCS now grant more gp.
  • You can teleport here using the skills teleport.
  • Stalls require 90 Thieving to use.
  • Reward: ~7k gp!


- New board added on forums for staff reports.


- Fixed a bug where you could turn invis with slayer skillcape.

- Mage of zamorak dialogue added.- Instead of selling items to general store you can now high alch them for money.

- Smilies added to the client (Full support coming within a few days)



Coming soon:

- Barrows fix

- New skill interfaces







first, jk. Nice updates dude :) 

Edited by Anz

second, nice job

third, nice one!

Looks good!

Nice, i like the emoji's!


Very nice, great improvements.

Looks good Lou! 

Also, did you mean 1 blood money is 100 gp? Not 10 :P


please fix toxic staff of the dead

Nice fixes and improvements. Gj 

Nice update Lou, Good work!

Now work on staff commands and a real co-owner :)

Brilliant. Well done my guy.


@Lou Grinder Any possibility of a banker/bank stall being added to the new Wilderness Thieving Area? There's no reasonable way to save all the gems and ores you get from stealing. Would be nice to have since the loot can be used for Smithing and Crafting.

Or perhaps if a bank would be too overpowered, the Wilderness Obelisks functioning could be a nice idea. Would add to the risk of using the Wilderness thieving by potentially teleporting into some pkers.


Edit: Another thought. Perhaps move the wildy thieving chests to the building north of the wildy resource area? Would make banking possible while still maintaining the same risk for reward as the other skills located there. 

Edited by Surreal

28 minutes ago, Surreal said:

@Lou Grinder Any possibility of a banker/bank stall being added to the new Wilderness Thieving Area? There's no reasonable way to save all the gems and ores you get from stealing. Would be nice to have since the loot can be used for Smithing and Crafting.

Or perhaps if a bank would be too overpowered, the Wilderness Obelisks functioning could be a nice idea. Would add to the risk of using the Wilderness thieving by potentially teleporting into some pkers.

Have to agree - as a level 3/skill I can't run to the bank because the zammy mages eat my ass.

Nice update. Looking forward to the game getting better and better.

Great Update man
Turn up!

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